Authoring commits with different emails for work and personal projects

February 28, 2021 · 2 min read

I like to store all my git repositories, of both work and personal projects, under a single directory at ~/dev. I think I’ll change this to ~/code soon, it sounds more appropriate. Anyway, back to the topic.

At the top of my ~/.gitconfig file I have configured the git user (which represents the commit author) to use my personal email address:

  name = Ilias Trichopoulos
  email =

However, when I work in git repositories of projects for my work, I want the author of my commits to have my work email address. The simplest way I found to achieve this is to dedicate a directory for all my work-related git repositories and create a separate .gitconfig file there. Then, I can conditionally include this new file in my main .gitconfig depending on which project I am working on.

In my case, I have all my work-related projects under ~/dev/company-name. I created a new .gitconfig file there where the only contents are:

  email =

Git 2.13 introduced the feature of Conditional includes which allows you to include a dedicated .gitconfig file depending on where the git repository is located.

Adding the following configuration at the bottom of my main ~/.gitconfig file ensures that when I work in a git repository located at ~/dev/company-name/project1, the author of my commits will have the email address.

  name = Ilias Trichopoulos
  email =


[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/company-name/"]
  path = ~/dev/company-name/.gitconfig

Credits to this StackOverflow answer that showed me the way.

Ilias Trichopoulos

Written by Ilias Trichopoulos who lives in Zurich creating stuff. You should follow his playlists on Spotify and his DJ sets on SoundCloud!
