Integrating Vue.js with DFINITY SDK Bootstrap project: Part 1

November 30, 2020 · 3 min read

This tutorial demonstrates the integration of Vue.js with the default project of the DFINITY SDK, as a result of a fun hackathon between friends.


Creating an Internet Computer application project

Create a simple webpack project using the dfx tool:

dfx new dfinity_vue
cd dfinity_vue

If you prefer using yarn, delete the package-lock.json file and run yarn to create a yarn.lock file.

yarn && rm package-lock.json

Integrating Vue

Installing packages

Since the DFINITY Canister Software Development Kit (SDK) already uses webpack, we have to install Vue from npm (instead of using the vue-cli tool). To do that, simply install the vue package:

yarn add vue

Install vue-loader so that webpack can load .vue files, unless you are not planning on using Single File Components.

yarn add --dev vue-loader

When using vue-loader you will also need vue-template-compiler to avoid runtime-compilation overhead and CSP restrictions.

yarn add --dev vue-template-compiler

If you miss this part, you’ll receive this error message:

[vue-loader] vue-template-compiler must be installed as a peer dependency, or a compatible compiler implementation must be passed via options.

Create Vue instance and component

Now that we have all the packages that we need we can update the src/dfinity_vue_assets/public/index.js file to use Vue. Replace the contents of the file with:

import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

new Vue({
  render: (h) => h(App),

and create the src/dfinity_vue_assets/public/App.vue component with the following contents:

  <div id="app">
    <div>{{ greeting || 'Loading message from Internet Computer...' }}</div>

import dfinity_vue from 'ic:canisters/dfinity_vue';

export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
      greeting: ''
  created() {
    dfinity_vue.greet(window.prompt("Enter your name:")).then(greeting => {
      this.greeting = greeting

The above component will call the greet method of the dfinity_vue canister passing the user’s input as an argument and render the response on the DOM.

Deploying on the local Internet Computer network

Start a local Internet Computer network:

dfx start

Register all canisters:

dfx canister create --all

The above command will return an output similar (if not the same) to this:

Creating canister "dfinity_vue"...
"dfinity_vue" canister created with canister id: "rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai"
Creating canister "dfinity_vue_assets"...
"dfinity_vue_assets" canister created with canister id: "rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai"

Note the id of the dfinity_vue_assets canister (in this case: rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai). You’ll need it soon.

Build all canisters:

dfx build

Deploy all canisters on the local network:

dfx canister install --all

Pass the dfinity_vue_assets canister id as an argument to https://localhost:8000/?canisterId=rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai and browse your application.


After you make changes to the frontend code, redeploy only the frontend canister with:

dfx build dfinity_vue_assets && dfx canister install dfinity_vue_assets --mode upgrade


Life should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Not stressed depressed lemon zest. Integrating Vue.js in this case is a good example of the former 😊

You can find this project on GitHub:

Continue to learn how to integrate Vuetify in the Part 2 blog post.

Ilias Trichopoulos

Written by Ilias Trichopoulos who lives in Zurich creating stuff. You should follow his playlists on Spotify and his DJ sets on SoundCloud!
