Applying Problem-Solving Steps for Setting Up an SFTP Server

October 08, 2020 · 10 min read

Last week I had to set-up an FTP service on a server running Ubuntu. I never had to do that before, so that was a new challenge! This is a post explaining how I went through the problem-solving steps and arrived at a satisfying solution.

The first step of problem-solving is to identify and clarify the actual problem. After spending a few hours interviewing the people that requested this, I managed to compile the following requirements list.

Step 1 of problem-solving: identify and clarify the actual problem


  1. Clients connecting to it should have read-only access
  2. Staff users should have read/write access
  3. Clients should only view and access directories they have been given access to
  4. Use of SSL/TLS
  5. Use of SFTP
  6. Easy user management (addition/modification/deletion of users) from non-tech staff
  7. Easy directory access management from non-tech staff
  8. The staff users should be able to log in via FileZilla
  9. The client users should be able to log in via the sftp CLI tool
  10. It shouldn’t take me more than a week to implement

Nice! Moving on.


Step 2 of problem-solving: list the possible solutions

Googling my ass around and keeping the requirements in mind I found some promising projects. The suggestions from the tech leads were the use of Pure-FTPd or vsftpd since they provide features like virtual users for easier creation/modification of accounts than managing user accounts in Ubuntu. Some more words were thrown in like jailed home folders, softlinks, ProFTPD and others (:insert confusion:). Lastly, one more suggestion thrown in the mix was sftpgo (which btw had made its way to Hacker News last year). So, a lot of research to be done and a lot of things to learn!

Step 3 of problem-solving: Evaluate the options

Looking at the documentation pages of Pure-FTPd and vsftpd it was not hard to decide to start with Pure-FTPd. I couldn’t even find an official public versioning system repository for vsftpd. sftpgo also seemed promising and very much actively maintained. So there was my priority list:

  1. Pure-FTPd
  2. sftpgo
  3. vsftpd
  4. ProFTPD

Time to get my hands dirty

Step 4 of problem-solving: Select an option. If it doesn’t work go back and try another.

Earlier this year I got my hands dirty with Ansible so I thought that this is a perfect opportunity to see if other developers had already created an Ansible role for setting up the aforementioned tools and published it in Ansible Galaxy. I was happy to find 2 roles for Pure-FTPd that seemed promising, although not really actively maintained. I thought it’s worth to give them a try. I started with the one with the highest score.

It was expected to find problems with it since it hasn’t been updated for years. Fixing them was easy though and so I contributed back to the project with a pull request.

After some painful hours reading through the very pleasing to the eye documentation of Pure-FTPd and trying a lot of shit and options out, I decided that it is not worth trying to meet my requirements with this project, so I moved on.

sftpgo, your turn.


From the project’s description, sftgo is a “Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and WebDAV support. It can serve local filesystem, S3, GCS”. Sounds good! Unfortunately, no Ansible role for this project. Oh well! Maybe I’ll create one :wink:

Reading through the documentation and the how-to’s I found quite a few typos. It didn’t cost me much to go through all of them and fix what I could find! The maintainer seemed to appreciate it a lot!

Moving on the installation instructions I found out that Deb and RPM packages are built after each commit and for each release. Sweet! To my surprise however, I couldn’t find any deb files in the release page. I contacted the maintainer through a GitHub issue and I was astonished to receive a reply in just 13 minutes! Kudos to drakkan, super mega helpful.

Alright, alright, time to install the shit somewhere. I created a machine on Exoscale and installed Ubuntu 20.04 on it.


I downloaded the deb package from GitHub’s Actions page and rsync‘ed it to the server.

$ rsync -av ~/Downloads/sftpgo_1.0.1-1\~dev.77_amd64.deb\~dev.77_amd64.deb

Installed it with:

$ sudo apt install ./sftpgo_1.0.1-1~dev.77_amd64.deb

Service is already running. Sweeeeet!

$ systemctl status sftpgo
● sftpgo.service - SFTPGo Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sftpgo.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-10-05 13:13:53 UTC; 6min ago

Enabling Web Admin interface, add password protection and HTTPS

sftpgo provides a simple Web Admin interface to manage virtual users, virtual directories and permissions. That meets my requirement 6!

To enable it I updated the configuration to remove localhost from the bind_address:

// /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json
"httpd": {
    "bind_port": 8080,
    "bind_address": ""
    // ...

and opened port 8080 on the Exoscale interface.

Protect with password

To protect the REST API and the Web Admin interface with a password I did the following:

$ sudo apt install apache2-utils
$ sudo htpasswd -B -c /etc/sftpgo/httpauth sftpgoweb

and updated the configuration:

// /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json
"httpd": {
    // ...
    "auth_user_file": "/etc/sftpgo/httpauth",
    // ...

Enabling HTTPS

To enable HTTPS with certbot:

  1. Installed certbot:
$ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
$ sudo apt-get remove certbot
$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
  1. Got the certificate and placed it in appropriate directory:
$ sudo certbot certonly
$ sudo mkdir /etc/sftpgo/ssl/
$ sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/sftpgo/ssl/
$ sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/sftpgo/ssl/
$ sudo chown -R sftpgo:sftpgo /etc/sftpgo/ssl
  1. Updated the configuration:
// /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json
"httpd": {
    // ...
    "certificate_file": "/etc/sftpgo/ssl/cert.pem",
    "certificate_key_file": "/etc/sftpgo/ssl/privkey.pem"
  1. Restarted the server:
$ sudo systemctl restart sftpgo

BOOM. Requirement 4 is met.

Few more things

I set the users base directory to /var/lib/sftpgo/users so that the sftpgo user who runs the service can create the home folders of the virtual users defined through the Web Admin interface.

// /etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json
"data_provider": {
    "driver": "sqlite",
    // ...
    "users_base_dir": "/var/lib/sftpgo/users",
    // ...

By the way, after having a short conversation with the maintainer, he addressed this and added it to the default options. Such responsive, much fast replies, wow! :D

Finally, I enabled port 2022 in Exoscale to allow SFTP connections.

Aaaand, we’re done! Let’s test now to see if all the requirements are met.


To satisfy requirement 2, I logged in into the Web Admin interface and created a virtual user called staff, added a password, selected the (*) permissions, so that it can do all operations (create folders, upload files, etc) and saved.

To satisfy requirement 1 and 3, I logged in into the Web Admin interface and created a virtual user called vuser1, added a password, selected the (list, download) permissions, so that it can only see the folders it has access to and download their contents and saved. Nice, requirement 7: check!

To create a directory on the server and upload a file, I logged in with the staff virtual user via FileZilla (which caused the automatic creation of the home folder of the staff virtual user under /var/lib/sftpgo/users/staff) and through FileZilla’s interface created a folder called reports. I uploaded a file in there. Ciao, requirement 8!

To give the vuser1 virtual user access to the reports folder, I logged in into the Web Admin interface and edited the vuser1 virtual user and added the virtual folder vreports with the mapping /vreports::/var/lib/sftpgo/users/staff/reports. Done with requirement 7 as well!

To verify that everything worked, I logged in into the server with the vuser1 account and I could only see a vreports folder with the content that the staff virtual user uploaded in /var/lib/sftpgo/users/staff/reports. Requirement 9: bye-bye.

$ sftp s's password:
Connected to
sftp> ls
sftp> cd vreports
sftp> ls

Mucho success!


Step 5 of problem-solving: Document your solution

Might be easy to forget or to think as not important, but documenting the solution will actually save a lot of time and headaches in the case someone else (or your future self) will come back to maintain it.

I made sure to create a documentation entry and make it available to the rest of the developers. This post acts as documentation as well :)

I also considered our poor non-tech staff colleagues that will have to use the Web Admin interface, so I made sure to write some user manuals for them as well. Specifically, the hardest part I believe is the whole concept of virtual folders. This is how I tried to explain it to them:

User manual: How to give users access to folders

Before you dive into giving access to folders you have created you must understand the concept of Virtual folders. A virtual folder is a folder that is simply a link between a folder you have created on the FTP server through FileZilla and what the user (client) sees when they login into the FTP server. Let’s see this through an example:

Let’s assume that you have the following folder structure on the FTP server: 1 main folder called reports with 2 subfolders called weekly-reports and monthly-reports, each of which contains 2 files:

├── weekly-reports/
│   ├── week50.csv
│   └── week51.csv
└── monthly-reports/
    ├── month1.csv
    └── month2.csv

Let’s also assume that you want to give access to the user called user1 to the folder weekly-reports and that you don’t want the user to be aware of the folder reports or of the folder monthly-reports. Instead, you want that when they login into the server to see a folder called virtual-weekly-reports-folder that has the contents week50.csv and week51.csv.

To do that, you need to edit the user1 user through the Web Admin interface and create a virtual folder for them.

Virtual folders follow this structure:


The <prefix> should always have the value /var/lib/sftpgo/users/staff/.

If we replace <virtual-folder-name> with virtual-weekly-reports-folder, the <prefix> with the value above and <folder-you-created-in-filezilla> with reports/weekly-reports we have the following row:


By adding this row in the Virtual folders field of the user page in the Web Admin interface, when the user1 user logs in into the FTP server, they will see the following folder structure:

├── week50.csv
└── week51.csv


Even for a frontend-er like myself that lacks experience regarding Linux and system administration compared to other more experienced geeks, applying the simple problem-solving steps and having determination and patience, solved my problems XD. And don’t forget to document the shit out of everything!

Thanks for reading :)

Ilias Trichopoulos

Written by Ilias Trichopoulos who lives in Zurich creating stuff. You should follow his playlists on Spotify and his DJ sets on SoundCloud!
